
UAE Annual Leave Law & Vacation Rules 2020

Articles (Gulf Inside) UAE Annual Leave Law and Vacation Rule 2020: This is the proper employee to urge Annual Leave in UAE as per Labour Law, and thi

Articles (Gulf Inside) UAE Annual Leave Law and Vacation Rule 2020: This is the proper employee to urge Annual Leave in UAE as per Labour Law, and this is often everybody wishes to urge involve their annual leave and vacation at the top of their yearly service for the corporate.

We encourage everyone to find out more about your rights regarding UAE Annual Leave in-order to reply to your company HR, PRO, or Management decisions on your benefits provided by Government.

Questions we are getting to answer will be:

Q: What are New Rules about UAE Annual Leave 2020?
Q: what’s annual leave and who is entitled to it?
Q: can we entitle for air ticket as per UAE Labour Law?
Q: What are the times of Annual leave Holidays in UAE?
Q: Who decides once you continue annual leave, Company, or Employee?
Q: When we will be paid & we entitled for what?
Q: If there are public holidays during annual leave what will happen?
Q: What if someone falls sick on annual leave?
Q: What if someone couldn’t come to figure within the signed Holidays?
Q: Can employees be fired during his/her annual leave?
Q: Do I allowed to figure for an additional company during my annual leave?
Q: Can we force the company for Air Fare in cash?
Q: Kindly describe Annual Leave as per the articles of UAE LABOUR LAW.
Q: What if I worked for the same company during Annual Leave Holiday?
Q: am I able to entitled to leave during the Probationary Period?
Q: can we eligible for Housing and other Allowances during Annual Leave?

New Rules for Annual Leave in UAE:
The government employees working in Dubai will get 12 sorts of leaves from January 2019, consistent with the new human resources law.
The new law obligates the managers to reply to go away requests within 10 days.

According to a report, the new leaves are.

  1. Annual leave,
  2. leave,
  3. Maternity leave,
  4. Paternity leave,
  5. Mourning leave,
  6. Leave for death-related events,
  7. Haj vacation,
  8. Participation in events,
  9. Accompanying leave,
  10. Leave for a partner, study leave,
  11. Leave without pay,
  12. Leave for service and reserve.

What are the times of Annual leave Holidays in UAE?
Generally, the company allows the 30 days to the employee but now the annual leave days have increased and are linked to the working grades:

30 working days for workers 12 and above,
25 working days for grades 4 to 11,
18 working days for grades 3 or below.

What is UAE Annual Leave and who is entitled to it?
Annual leave may be a paid day off work granted by companies (employers) to workers (employees) to be used for regardless of the employee’s wishes.

Please clear that an individual who is functioning (full-time work) under UAE Labour Law is entitled to Annual Leave and it’s a basic right of each worker written in various UAE Labor Law Articles.

Article 75 says: “If services of an employee exceeds 1 year he will be entitled to 30 days leaves. At the top of the service, the worker is entitled to an annual leave for the fraction of the last year he spent in service”.

Do we entitle to air tickets as per UAE Labour Law?
The most important aspect and therefore the most asked question by our readers is that “do we entitled for air ticket after completing 1 year of Service? the solution is not any . the corporate isn’t susceptible to pay air tickets to the workers by completing 1 year of service, but the principles are change upon the expiry of the employment agreement.

When an employee completes the utilization contract (2 years or 3 years) and there’s no intention to renew the contract, the corporate should provide the air ticket to the employee’s home country.

This is mentioned within Article 131 of the UAE Labour Law “Expenses for repatriation of an employee to his place of origin or the other place prescribed by both parties shall be borne by the employer. If the worker after the top of his contract takes up employment elsewhere, repatriation expenses upon the termination of his service shall be paid by the last employer subject to the provisions within the preceding clauses, and if the employer has did not repatriate the worker and has not paid the repatriation expenses, the competent authorities shall do that at the employer’s expense by way of attachment. If the cause for termination of the contract is attributed to the worker, his repatriation is going to be arranged at his own expense if he has the mean to pay”.

Who decides when to travel on annual leave, Company, or Worker?
If you’re an employee (worker), you’ll decide when your annual leave starts. However, the employer (Company) can change or divide your Annual Leave if the exigencies of labor necessitate.

Article 76 says: “The employer may, at his discretion, set the date of commencement of the annual leaves and, if necessary, he has right to divide the holiday into two parts at the top, except In the case of maternity where the holidays are not divided.

When we are going to be paid and what are we entitled for?
UAE Labour Law clearly states that each Employee should get his/her annual leave once his/her service exceeds 1 year. After one year of service, the employee is entitled to the full Salary before taking his/her Annual Leave.

Please note many companies are in violation of UAE Labour Law by paying the only salary, you ought to be paid both your normal salary + Annual Salary.

Article 80 says: “An employee must be paid before taking his annual leave, the worker shall be paid his full wage, plus the wage of his leave days he deserves consistent with the supply of this law”.

If there are Public holidays during Annual leave what will happen?
In case of any official or Public holidays announced by the Government during the Annual Leave, those days should be treated as a part of Annual Leave.

Article 77 says: “Calculation of duration of annual leave also includes holidays as per UAE Labour law or by agreement, Or if they fall into the leaves due to illness until the next day and it is considered part of it”.

What if Employee gets sick During Annual Leave?
In-case if a worker is inactive and falls sick, he/she first report his/her company HR, PRO or Management about illness through Email or Fax as a record which may later be utilized in legal cases.

Article 82 says: “If the employee becomes sick for any reasons other then labor injury he must report within a period of two days at the most and therefore the employer must take necessary measures having him medically checked up to determine illness”.

What if someone couldn’t come to figure within a given holiday?
If an employee (worker) delayed the rejoining or couldn’t come to figure after Annual Vacation thanks to family or other issues, he/she won’t be entitled to any payment for the times he/she absent.

Article 89 says: “Any employee who will not return to work after the end of his leave should be deprived of the amount of absenteeism starting from the day following the end of the leave.”.

Can an employee be fired during an annual vacation?
An employee working in any state of United Arab Emirates can’t be terminated by Company from his services while he/she is on annual leave.
If an employer (company) does dismiss a member of his staff while he/she is officially inactive, it’s going to be considered an arbitrary dismissal and therefore the affected employee can take a course to action against the corporate.

Do I allow to figure for an additional company during my annual leave?
No, you’re not allowed to figure for an additional company during your Annual Leave or Vacations.

Read This : Rights of Domestic workers in UAE as per law

If you get caught while working for an additional company, your Company/Employer or Sponsor has the proper to terminate your service with none notice and you’ll tend any gratuity pay etc.

What if the worker worked during Annual Leave Holidays for an equivalent company?
As per Ministry of Labour Article 78, “if Employee made to figure during his/her Annual Leave Holidays, he/she should get paid in cash on basis of his/her basic salary”.

Can I have entitled for leave during the Probationary Period?
As per the article 83 of UAE LABOUR LAW “The worker isn’t entitled to any paid leave during the probationary period, If the employee spends over three months after completion of a probationary period, within the continuous service of an employee, and if he falls sick during this period, he becomes entitled to leave, less than 90 days either continuous or intermittent per annually or service, computed as follows:

  • The primary 15 days with full pay.
  • Subsequent 30 days, with half pay.
  • The next period, without pay.

Article 78 says: “The worker who works in whole or in part during his annual leave cause of labor difficulties, therefore the period of leave in which he has worked has not been extended till next year, the employer needs to pay his wages. In addition, taking advantage of his working days in exchange for leaving supported his basic salary”.

Is a worker eligible for Housing and Allowances during Annual Leave?
Yes, Employees are entitled to Basic salary and Housing allowance during annual leave.

Article 78 says: “The worker should be paid his basic salary & accommodation allowance, if applicable, and all other allowances which he receives during the normal working month.

Hopefully, you’ve found this UAE Annual Leave Law 2020 guide very helpful, we’ll be very happy to answer your questions regarding UAE Annual Leave and Vacation as per Labour Law, you’ll use below comment box for your queries.