4 Useful Education and Training Technology Trends


4 Useful Education and Training Technology Trends

As we move further into 2022, education and training technology continue to be ever more prevalent in a global society. Given the COVID-19 crisis and

As we move further into 2022, education and training technology continue to be ever more prevalent in a global society. Given the COVID-19 crisis and the changes it introduced into our social lives, technology has come to the forefront of formal and informal education.

Based on Tech Jury, the worldwide eLearning market is poised to be worth $325 billion by 2025, with eLearning increasing income for 42% of US-based organizations. Business leaders and formal education lawmakers both understand the value of technology in education more and more thanks to the crisis we are still reeling from. Let’s then discuss the potentially useful applications and trends in technology and its role in education and training technology in 2022 and beyond.

1. Mobile Learning Opportunities

Life-long-learning trends have always existed at the fringes of formal and informal education. Now, however, we’re starting to see them come into the limelight for various reasons. Some people want to shift careers into more digital professions. Some students might want to make up for lost time or spruce up their knowledge and skills in certain academic areas. Mobile learning opportunities through dedicated digital learning platforms are more popular than ever before. Some platforms with their applications suitable for mobile learning include but are not limited to:

  • Udemy
  • Khan Academy
  • Coursera
  • LinkedIn Learning

Depending on whether you’re a student or a working professional, each of these apps will provide you with something new to work on. Students who think along the lines of “I’d like help to write my research paper.” will benefit greatly from using these platforms. They can learn how to write essays and outsource some of their writing assignments to free up their time. Both formal education and informal training are possible thanks to mobile learning. Learning on the go, at home, or in your office will become a popular trend throughout the world in 2022.

2. Expansion of VR in Education and Training Technology 

Seeing as physical contact and group workshops have become something of a taboo due to COVID-19, VR and AR have become popular talking points. According to The App Solutions, 97% of students would gladly study through a VR course, with 93% of teachers sharing the same sentiment. 70% of teachers want to use VR to simulate different experiences relevant to the materials covered in their classes. This is exactly why VR will continue to be a trending subject with formal and informal educators alike.

VR and AR technologies are capable of simulating different scenarios for students and professionals from the comfort of their classroom or office. This leads to not only better social distancing and health safety but also to a plethora of learning possibilities without the need to travel. Working in a virtual lab, visiting a forest, or simulating different client scenarios is only a matter of changing the software application. We can expect a great deal in terms of VR popularity in the coming years as the technology becomes more accessible and affordable to more people.

3. Reliance on Big Data in Remote Learning

Big Data has always been at the center of the corporate industry. However, it is now seeping into education and training markets in equal measure. As hardware becomes more affordable and more institutions can afford internal servers and processing units, Big Data is slowly rearing its head.

According to published research, Big Data combined with AI will allow for more accurate and speedy collection and processing of rich personal data in education. The analyzed data will give teachers and mentors more information on how to personalize the learning experience for different students. This will lead to more precise learning, meaningful takeaways for both teachers and students as Big Data combined with AI becomes the norm.

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Galen Riley, Writer, and Editor at SupremeDissertations spoke on the topic: “Implementing Big Data into training and education pipelines will lead to richer experiences for pupils around the world. Whether it’s writing academic essays or client servicing, these individuals will learn how to do their jobs better because they’ve been taught with Big Data analysis. The foremost obstacle in Big Data implementation is to onboard today’s teachers to use said tools.”

4. Cloud-Based SaaS Education and Training

While not everyone will be attracted by LLL platforms like Udemy and LinkedIn Learning, there are other useful tools out there dedicated to digital learning. Cloud-based SaaS tools will become more of a necessity for corporate and formal education alike in the coming years. As more students and professionals enroll in international online classes and programs, SaaS learning tools will need to be implemented. Some of the most popular choices include:

  • Moodle
  • TalentLMS
  • Grovo
  • BizLibrary

These tools will enable coaches, teachers, and corporate trainers to connect with their pupils and teach them more effectively. They go beyond simple video conferencing tools, allowing for file-sharing, group exercises, and extensive planning features designed around learning. Given how comprehensive they are, they’ll likely find even more users in the future.

In Summary

While major changes have been introduced into formal education in the wake of the global pandemic, the road to digital-only learning is wrought with difficulties. According to Global Partnership, 53% of 10-year-olds in low- and middle-income countries cannot read or understand age-appropriate texts. If serious changes are to happen, 69 million new teachers need to be introduced into primary and secondary education by 2030.

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Fundamental changes to education and training can only happen from the ground up, starting with younger generations. Once they’re made more tech-savvy and digitally-oriented, improvements in tomorrow’s education and training will happen organically. Time will tell whether such an undertaking is possible on a global level. All we can do is contribute in our ways and do our utmost to raise awareness of how valuable and game-changing technology in education can be.