Which is Better for Amazon Product Research: Jungle Scout or Helium 10


Which is Better for Amazon Product Research: Jungle Scout or Helium 10

Getting into an online business is no small feat. Albeit this is a developing business sector, it means quite a bit to keep an eye out for the traps.

Getting into an online business is no small feat. Albeit this is a developing business sector, it means quite a bit to keep an eye out for the traps. The giant Amazon is also thinking of them by offering the FBA solution. These organizations will actually want to take advantage of their maximum capacity to foster their deals, given they have committed devices available to them. There are many Amazon product research tools. So, here I am going to give a comparison between two Amazon product research tools Jungle Scout and Helium 10. So, see below the Jungle Scout vs Helium 10 comparison.

Amazon Product Research:

Amazon is an online business monster. Its organization of stockrooms, as well as its armada of conveyance vehicles, are very enormous. On account of the Satisfaction by Amazon program, it is feasible for a free trader to exploit these numerous offices. The capacity, bundling, and transportation of bundles are given by the brand. A deals region on the fundamental site is even accessible.

The utilization of specific kinds of associated devices is fundamental to having the option to begin and support your business in the best circumstances. These gadgets will assist merchants with appropriately posting, advancing, or dealing with the benefit of their items. So, see below the comparison between the two best Amazon product research Jungle Scout vs Helium 10 comparison.

Jungle Scout vs Helium 10 Which Is Better?

Amazon is constantly evolving, improving, and updating. New accounts are registered regularly. To make it easier to navigate the site, entrepreneurs use special platforms where they can find up-to-date information about suppliers and products. Jungle Scout and Helium 10 both are the best two Amazon Product Research tools. See below the Jungle Scout vs Helium 10 comparison.

Product Details:

Jungle Scout:

Jungle Scout is seemingly the go-to online accomplice for Amazon FBA beneficiaries. A flexible stage consolidates a few devices without a moment’s delay. Specifically, it makes it conceivable to track down items with a high resale potential to be presented in the trader space.

Likewise, its watchword research module is incredibly helpful for creating titles and upgraded item sheets. It is likewise an exceptionally pragmatic instrument for dealing with your stocks or funds. The starting price plan is $149 for a one-term subscription, for a single authorized user.

Key Features Of Jungle Scout:

  • Thinks about different items to bring you positioning.
  • Gives total experiences into the item, including deals history, surveys, and cost, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
  • Niche hunter would empower you to investigate item classifications and see them as the right ones.
  • Keyword research and an exceptional way to deal with scoring them for best positioning
  • Pertinence evaluations to guarantee you have legitimate streamlining as indicated by Search engine optimization and other far and wide keyword coordination
  • A broad item data set with admittance to every one of them for better statistical surveying

Helium 10:

Flexibility is a resource that Helium 10 has. For Amazon FBA partner merchants, this is one of the most outstanding devices to consider. It gives around twenty unique modules to foster your online business.

Its primary benefit is its information base of fruitful items. It accordingly gives admittance to a great many references that sell very well in commercial centers. Clients will actually want to utilize channels to fragment their inquiries in light of item classes, target country, and so on. Added to this are the modules for picking watchwords or going with portrayals and various decisions. The beginning cost is 39 bucks a month.

Key Features Of Helium 10:

  • Complete keyword research with a coordinated accounting sheet for simplicity of research
  • Gives information-driven procedures as indicated by the objective or goal
  • Picks apart contender’s procedures to sort out keywords and different strategies
  • Black Box features empower you to track down items with appeal and low contest.
  • Incorporates aggregate information of the incorrect spellings and one more applicable substance look for appropriate techniques
  • Discount Virtuoso keeps you from losing and could try and help with creating gains.


Jungle Scout:

  • Basic: $49 per month or $349 annually
  • Suite: $69 per month or $589 annually
  • Professional: $129 per month or $999 annually

Helium 10:

  • Starter: $39 per month or $348 annually
  • Platinum: $99 per month or $1,008 annually
  • Diamond: $249 per month or $2,508 annually
  • Elite: $399 per month $4,788 annually


Along these lines, to develop your business as an Amazon Vendor, you ought to utilize one. From upsides and downsides to item research, we have endeavored to give total data to know which one to utilize. Ideally, you thought that it is educational and can now decide the best for you!

Is Zonbase Better Than Jungle Scout vs Helium 10?

Amazon merchants who are searching for a far-reaching device to help their business can depend on Zonbase. It performs examination in a data set of thousands of references. This is a method for identifying things with the most elevated deal potential.

Remember its Watchwords Pilgrim module to recognize the most famous catchphrases. What’s more, clients can likewise depend on Zonbase to do an investigation of the opposition.

Statistics of their sales as well as reports on their rank and stock are provided. In addition, there are training courses to strengthen their e-commerce skills.

Product Details:

ZonBase has different qualities in each space. Not in any way shape or form like different contraptions, which have their resources in a couple. Stood separated from various contraptions, ZonBase stands disconnected as an instrument that can convey in each space. There is a 30-day inadequate responsibility, and you can evaluate the device in vain for seven days. As an untouchable seller on Amazon, you can secure from Amazon specialists in vain. You can equivalently get mentorship programs. Scaling an Amazon business can be an irksome embrace. Particularly for adolescents who have no associated data on selling. There are many cycles connected with getting your AMZ business rolling. Coming up next are a few of them:

  • Finding winning things
  • Tracking down substantial suppliers
  • Making relevant keywords
  • Upgrading your postings for changes
  • Running PPC promotions for penetrability

This huge number of cycles takes time, and you presumably will not have the choice to oversee them in the interim. On the off chance that you have different obligations or little experience, there is fundamentally little you can do to scale your business.


  • Standard Plan: $37/Month or $444 Annually
  • Legendary Plan: $67/Month or $804 Annually
  • Diamond Plan $132/Month or $1594 Annually


As you can see, Zonbase is a big machine that promises its users wonders. There is currently no equivalent tool to improve your income as an Amazon FBA seller. If you want to achieve significant results, then this suite of tools comes as a no-brainer.

This is not the most accessible solution, but the Starter formula could however suit you depending on your sales volume. In my opinion, the best formula remains Platinum because it embeds the essential tools that will help you take off your activity with Amazon.

All that will obviously rely upon your financial plan and the potential acquires that such an answer would bring you. Attempt to see face what Zonbase would cost you and the benefits you need to accomplish on Amazon. This is likely the simplest method for seeing whether Zonbase is appropriate for you or not.

Every one of the three devices carries out comparative roles yet there are a couple of key contrasts between them. Out of Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and Zonbase, Zonbase has the most noteworthy information exactness demonstrated by our Amazon deals contextual investigation.

Zonbase likewise has a lot higher client evaluations contrasted with these two devices. The most effective way to comprehend how an item truly functions for different vendors is to check out fair, impartial surveys on each.